British Science Week
Over the month of March the children in our school have been completing various investigations to celebrate British Science Week. As the theme for this year was ‘Connections’ each class looked at a different area of Science and completed an investigation around that topic. We also discussed how each area of Science is connected.
In Nursery the children linked their science learning to their English book which is called ‘The Runaway Pea’. The children planted pea seeds and have been observing these changes over time. The children have also looked at what happens when you take care of the plant too.
In Reception the children have been investigating if the size of the seed impacts the speed it will grow. The children have been observing the changes also.
Year 1
In Year 1 the children have been investigating whether certain factors affect the height a cress plant will grow. We have been investigating whether the position of the plant in relation to the sunlight/ light matters and if this impacts the growth of the plant.
Year 2
The children in Year 2 investigated different materials and they looked at how to protect humpty dumpty from a fall. They investigated many different materials and observed which was best and explained why.
Year 3
Year 3 have been investigating magnets and how only certain materials are magnetic.
Year 4
Year 4 have been investigating how far sound travels.
Year 5
The children in Year 5 have been investigating the properties of different materials for example; flexibility, transparency, hardness and magnetism.
Year 6
Year 6 have been investigating electric circuits and how they need to be connected.