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Why we teach Art and Design

At Ravenscroft Primary, we understand that engaging in the arts is invaluable for children’s mental health and wellbeing. So, our Art and Design curriculum aims to be inspiring, practical and fun while encouraging all children opportunities to express themselves freely in non-verbal ways, through experimenting with colour, texture, form and pattern. Studying Art and Design exposes children to the use of a large variety of mediums and skills. It also encourages children to embrace the process of creating art, experimenting with different mediums, techniques and tools to create their own desired effects. Children are supported to understand that in Art and Design the preparatory process can be just as important as the final piece. Through embracing their preparatory work and the process of creating art, this helps children to develop their independence, resilience and perseverance skills which are integral for children’s learning across the entire curriculum. Children are supported to appreciate each other’s different perspectives and to understand that Art is subjective and there is no right or wrong way to feel about a piece of art. This helps to build children’s confidence and self-esteem.

How we teach Art and Design

Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure there is progression between all year groups. For example, children will experience progression in their art skills and knowledge, vocabulary, confidence using tools, the variety of tools and equipment used, the variety of mediums used and their confidence using different mediums. We ensure that key knowledge and skills are revisited and consolidated to support our children to become confident artists. We teach Art and Design through dedicated topics, ensuring across our school children experience a wide variety of different art from a variety of countries across the world and from different time periods. Children at Ravenscroft experience and learn about a diverse range of artists, craft makers and architects (past and present) from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, celebrating their similarities and differences. Our children are encouraged to reflect on their own art and to freely give their opinions on the art of famous artists, understanding that their opinions may differ from their peers. As children move into Key Stage 2, they are encouraged to use their prior learning to make choices about the mediums and tools they have used to create their own desired effects. We also work closely with Kirkby Gallery to provide children with additional experiences to develop their learning and love for art whenever possible, for example visiting exhibitions at the gallery, loaning art work to display in our school or using resources from the gallery to enhance their experiences.

What your child will learn

  • A wide range of Art and Design vocabulary
  • Knowledge and understanding of a diverse variety of artists, craft makers and architects (past and present) from different backgrounds and cultures
  • A range of Art and Design skills and techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and pattern
  • Confidence using a variety of different tools and equipment, and when to choose different equipment to create their desired effects
  • Confidence evaluating their own and other’s art respectfully
  • Confidence using a variety of different mediums and when to choose different equipment to create their desired effects

Long Term Plan and additional documentation will be following soon. Thank you for your patience.

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