Why do we teach Physical Education?
At Ravenscroft Primary School we have developed an ethos where sport and physical activity are considered a significant part of school life; where all children’s sporting achievements and talents are celebrated and nurtured. We provide a wide range of opportunities for physical activity and sport for all of our children, and we strive for all children to be life-long participants of sport. Children develop an understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The impact of sports is directly supporting the personal development and the academic confidence of groups of children from Nursery to Year 6.
As a school we have been awarded a Gold in the School Games Mark for 22/23. We are aiming to achieve our Platinum award this academic year. This is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012, to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We are proud of our commitment to Physical Education.
There is a clear progression of skills and knowledge throughout our curriculum that builds on knowledge and skills and gives children a secure foundation for their next phase of learning. They work as individuals, in groups and teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal/social responsibility.
How we teach Physical Education
Our Physical Education programme uses a variety of different sports and fundamental skills to ensure all children reach their full potential. We use a scheme for our Physical Education lessons; GetSet4PE. This scheme helps to break the Key Stages into three groups. EYFS the focus is centred around fundamental movement skills, negotiating space safely with and around others and learning how to handle and use different equipment. This prepares them for KS1 in which children are taught in line with the National Curriculum requirements. During this time, they further develop fundamental movement skills, understanding principles of defence and attack, using simple tactics. Finally, by KS2 they are ready to enhance their skills even further and develop these skills by applying them into different situations involving competition and self-improvement on a weekly basis.
At Ravenscroft we aspire to be the best, as we want to encourage a positive outlook, we expect high expectations and be proud of personal achievements. We give all children the chance to engage in extra-curricular activities, with a wide variety of after school and lunch time clubs. These clubs offer the opportunity for children to flourish and enjoy sport. From Year 4 onwards children are also given the opportunity to go swimming at Kirkby Leisure Centre. We also compete in competitive sporting events throughout the year. We believe the values that are learnt in Physical Education, extra-curricular activities, competitions and sport as a whole help to build character, develop a positive mindset, be part of a team and finally, take personal pride.
Each lesson, club and competition must withhold our own school values (Honesty, Enjoyment, Achievement, Respect and Talent). By following these school values and working together as a team, this will help children succeed at our school and beyond.
What your children will learn
It is our intent to teach children life skills that will positively impact their future. It is our belief that each child should adopt a healthy lifestyle and we support this on a daily basis. In line with all areas of our curriculum we have high expectations for our children and we seek to inspire and deliver quality lessons. We provide children with two hours of Physical Education a week. Our Physical Education programme follows GetSet4PE, this helps to give children opportunities to develop social, emotional and cognitive skills.
Throughout our Physical Education lessons, we expect the children to; take care of equipment, try their best, take turns, be kind to others and be honest. These are the five expected rules for Physical Education and link back to our own school values. Most of all we want children to enjoy Physical Education. All of our staff encourage and foster belief into every child that they can aspire to be the best version of themselves.