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Why we teach Science?

At Ravenscroft we believe that Science offers children an understanding of the world around them and how everything works. We believe that Science is inspiring and allows children to see and discover new things every lesson. Science at Ravenscroft allows children to develop their natural curiosity for the world whilst developing their understanding of Scientific facts and information. Children are encouraged to work scientifically and use and develop their use of scientific vocabulary.

How we teach Science?

At Ravenscroft we have dedicated science lessons each week where teachers are enthusiastic and positive about science. Our science lessons have been planned in alignment with the National Curriculum. Key knowledge and scientific skills are developed year on year and children will have regular opportunities to revisit key learning to embed their knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts.  Science is taught through topics from the National Curriculum and with the use of modern equipment and investigations to allow children to be fully engaged in their learning and create experiences they will remember.

What your child will learn?

  • Scientific knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts through the strands of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Scientific skills and be able to use these skills independently to discuss different concepts and discoveries.
  • Understand how science knowledge allows them to understand the world around them and how to look after the world.
  • To talk and write scientifically and relate their discoveries to their own experiences.
  • To use scientific vocabulary correctly and in the right context.

Science News

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