Welcome to the area of the website relating to SEND or Special Educational Needs/Disability.
Our SENDCo is Mrs K Lloyd
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of SEND please contact our school office to speak to Miss Lloyd. Alternatively you can email school – ravenscroft@knowsley.gov.uk. Please mark your email for the attention of Miss Lloyd.
We are committed to ensuring the best possible education for all pupils regardless of ability, background, ethnicity, gender or disability. We continually monitor the progress of all pupils and take steps to intervene where there is evidence that individuals or groups are falling behind.
Class teachers regularly liaise with our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Pastoral Lead, Inclusion Lead, parents and external agencies to provide additional support for children who require it.
Here you will find information regarding Special Needs and how those needs are met at Ravenscroft Community Primary School.
Knowsley Local Offer
For details of the Knowsley Local Offer, please click here.
Family Information Service website: www.knowsleyinfo.co.uk
Signposting Flyer Parents/Carers – Knowsley/ Nationally