Mission Statement – Strategic Direction
Our School Vision
At Ravenscroft Community Primary School, we aim to create a positive, stimulating and happy learning environment in which all children will achieve success and develop their potential to the full.
We offer a challenging broad and balanced curriculum to promote their spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development and foster independent, life- long learners.
All children, regardless of race, creed, culture, gender, sexual orientation or disability will be treated equally in every aspect of school life.
School Aims for Pupils:
- To develop independence, confidence and self-belief
- To encourage self-discipline and integrity
- To develop effective communication skills
- To promote tolerance, respect and sensitivity to others so that citizenship is valued
- To develop the ability to work together co-operatively, sharing a sense of responsibility for the common good
- To provide a safe, caring environment in which children can happily maximise learning
- To foster creativity and innovation
- To empower all children to achieve their full potential
- To inspire in children a joy and commitment to learning that will last a lifetime