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Design Technology

Why we teach Design Technology

At Ravenscroft Primary, we understand that the Design Technology curriculum allows children valuable real life and purposeful opportunities to explore and experiment with their learning in a variety of other subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Literacy and ICT. DT is a collaborative and cooperative subject that inspires children and sparks their curiosity about everyday objects as it encourages children to evaluate an object’s purpose and how it has been made. A rich DT curriculum inspires children through a diverse range of engineers, architects, chefs and designers (past and present) and provides them with practical opportunities to create a variety of products including textiles, electrical systems, food products, mechanisms and structures. Importantly, children are encouraged to focus on a real life purpose for their creations which develops children’s critical thinking, independence, reflection skills and imagination. Additionally, this process supports children to develop their knowledge of different materials, tools and processes and their confidence selecting which of these to select for a specific purpose. DT allows children to explore their originality, ideas and knowledge freely in practical ways and so this is an empowering subject for all children.

How we teach Design Technology

Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure there is progression between all year groups. DT is taught through different topics that are purposefully selected to ensure our children experience a wide variety of experiences throughout school. Each topic develops and builds upon children’s prior knowledge, skills and experiences whilst delivering new skills and learning to deepen our children’s knowledge. Each topic follows the important process of design, make and evaluate whilst also ensuring to deepen children’s understanding of technical knowledge. Cross-curricular links are planned carefully when appropriate to maximise children’s learning. Key vocabulary is also planned carefully to ensure progression.

 What your child will learn

  • A wide range of Design Technology vocabulary
  • Knowledge and understanding of a diverse variety of engineers, designers, architects and chefs (past and present) from different backgrounds and cultures
  • A range of technical knowledge that supports them to confidently make their own choices when designing and creating products for a real life purpose
  • Resilience and perseverance when problem solving and finding solutions
  • Ability to work collaboratively with others to create a shared product
  • Confidence evaluating their own and other’s creations respectfully

Long Term Plan and additional documentation will be following soon. Thank you for your patience.

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